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Wisdom Teeth Treatment In San Leandro, CA

Why do wisdom teeth need to be removed?

Your wisdom teeth are the final four molars to erupt in your jaw. They’re called wisdom teeth because they emerge at a more mature age than your other teeth, typically in late adolescence or early adulthood. If there isn’t enough space in your jaw for your wisdom teeth or if they grow in an incorrect direction or position, they can cause pain and issues with the rest of your teeth.

You may need your wisdom teeth removed if they cause symptoms like:

  • Pain
  • Infections
  • Misalignment or damage to other teeth
  • Cysts or tumors

What happens during extraction of my wisdom teeth?

Dr. Kabiri uses a sedative to keep you calm and relaxed during your extraction. She also uses a local anesthetic to reduce any pain or discomfort during and immediately following the procedure.

Once you are relaxed and numb, Dr. Kabiri uses special tools to loosen your wisdom teeth from their sockets and extract them. If your teeth are impacted, she breaks the teeth into smaller pieces before safely removing them. In some cases, Dr. Kabiri needs to make an incision to access a wisdom tooth for removal.

After the removal, Dr. Kabiri packs the sockets with gauze to stop any bleeding and administers an antibiotic. When you recover from the sedative, she gives you prescriptions for antibiotics and analgesics and provides you with instructions on how to care for your teeth while your jaw recovers.

How should I take care of my teeth following an extraction?

You should follow Dr. Kabiri’s instructions following surgery. For example, take the antibiotics and analgesics as directed. Don’t stop taking the medications just because you feel good. You should also brush your teeth gently to avoid dislodging any blood clots. You should use a straw to drink for a few days and eat soft foods.

A woman is getting her teeth examined by a dentist.
An x-ray of a person 's teeth showing a wisdom tooth.

What are signs that my wisdom teeth are growing in?

When your wisdom teeth emerge, you may notice some tenderness and redness at the back of your mouth. Some people experience headaches or have a low-grade fever. While minor discomfort is normal, if you experience pain you should make an appointment with Dr. Kabiri. You can call or book an appointment online.

When your wisdom teeth erupt, they can cause pain and other dental issues like misalignment. If you’re hurting because of your wisdom teeth, you can count on Azita Kabiri, DDS, for expert care and extractions at KB San Leandro Dental Studio in San Leandro, California. Call or schedule an appointment online today.

Call: 510-314-8094
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